Local Behavioral Health Authority (LBHA)

Prince George's County Local Behavioral Health Authority (LBHA) plan, manages and monitors the Public Behavioral Health System for Prince George’s County residents. It also provides information and referral services to individuals seeking mental health and substance use-related resources to facilitate access to care. The LBHA is comprised of the Core Service Agency (CSA) and Local Addiction Authority (LAA) and is the result of the integration of both of these two entities. For more information download the 2023 Annual Behavioral Health Plan.


There are staff available to speak with you if you suspect that you or a family member has a mental health or substance-related problem. The LBHA staff are available to assist you with information and referral to the following:

  • Services for persons with Medical Assistance or no insurance
  • Specialty services for children, adults, and the elderly
  • Locating outpatient treatment services
  • Locating case management services
  • Locating residential treatment services
  • Locating Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for substance use disorders
  • Naloxone (Narcan) Training and Kits - Email: savealife@co.pg.md.us
  • Accessing crisis services
  • Purchasing psychotropic medications in special situations
  • Identifying support groups
  • Peer and family recovery support groups
  • Information about advocating for your child’s behavioral health needs
  • Training opportunities
  • Housing options including residential rehabilitation programs for individuals with mental illness

Funding Opportunities

No current funding opportunities. 

Behavioral Health Resources for Individuals and Families

Find behavioral health services throughout Maryland. Many providers have expanded their services virtually (video conferencing and/or audio services).  For intake and referral to services funded by Medical Assistance call 1-800-888-1965.

Crisis Resources

To access mental health or substance use crisis services in Prince George's County:

Federally Qualified Health Centers

Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are centers that provide both primary medical and behavioral health services. They provide care to individuals with public insurance (Medicaid and Medicare), private or commercial insurance, and also those without insurance. For those who do not have insurance, they offer services on a sliding scale basis based on your ability to pay. They also take extra care to provide services in many languages. The LBHA does not directly oversee the FQHCs but works with them to help support the behavioral health of our residents.

Behavioral Health Consumer Education, Advocacy and Recovery Support Groups

Veteran Services

Other Community Services

Behavioral Health Resources for Children and Adolescents

Student Resources

Many of the Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS) have counselors dedicated to providing behavioral health treatment. You can contact the child's school for more information and click to learn more about the mental health resources provided by PGCPS here.

Local Care Team

If you are a caregiver or parent who is dealing with any of the following issues:

  • Your child or family is involved with multiple agencies and you feel like you're getting nowhere.
  • You think your child needs more services but you're not sure where to turn.
  • You know what you need but you can't seem to locate the service locally.
  • You feel overwhelmed and need to guide through the maze of reports and recommendations.

Please contact the Department of Family Services, Children, Youth and Families Division at (301) 265-8446 to find out more information about the Local Care Team.

Youth Services Bureaus

Several municipalities in the County also have additional services for those in their communities. The LBHA does not oversee the Youth Service Bureaus, but they are important resources for many of our residents.

Grievances or Complaints

An important responsibility of the Local Behavioral Health Authority (LBHA) is the oversight and monitoring of licensed mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) programs and professionals in the public behavioral health system. The LBHA works closely with programs and their staff to make sure clients have adequate and appropriate services and that program operations are serving real needs. If a consumer, family member, or other concerned individual files a complaint, the LBHA will work with the individual who filed the complaint and the provider to address concerns and resolve any issues. Please call (301) 856-9500.

Resources for Behavioral Health Providers

Requests for Letters of Support - Stakeholders and community members may request a letter of support for grant proposals and other projects.  Please attach a draft letter that includes:

  • organization's contact information
  • description of the project
  • partnership with the LBHA (if applicable)
  • benefits to community residents


Telehealth services were expanded to ensure access to essential behavioral health services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Other Resources

To stay up-to-date with new and urgent information, all providers should sign up for Optum Provider Alerts by sending an email to : marylandproviderrelations@optum.com.


Contact Local Behavioral Health Authority



9314 Piscataway Road
Suite 150
Clinton, MD 20735