Swimming Pool Inspections

Applications & Permits

Public swimming pool and spa permits and licenses are now processed in Momentum

An application is required for a public swimming pool, public wading pool, or public spa. The application can be made by the owner, property or pool management company. The application must be accompanied by a Suction Outlet Cover Survey form for each pool, spa, feature and equalizer line at the facility. For more information about the VGBA Publication 361: Guidance for Safety; the Pool and Spa Safety Act (cpsc.gov).  This application does not apply to pools or spas located at an individual private residence. 

Application Instructions

The Suction Outlet Cover Survey form needs to be submitted with your pool permit application in Momentum. You can print the PDF and write your responses on the survey or fill out the form using a PDF filler software. Once completed, please submit the Suction Outlet Cover Survey form with your application in Momentum. The Suction Outlet Cover Survey is a required file that needs to be uploaded with your application for approval.

A pool operator license is required for the person responsible for the overall operation of a public swimming pool, wading pool, or spa.

Licenses and Permit Questions

Questions about pool and spa licenses and permits can be sent to PGCHealthpools@co.pg.md.us.

Swimming Pool