Air Quality

Air Quality Services

The Environmental Engineering/Policy Program provides several services to residents as part of the effort to preserve the quality of the air we breathe, including:

  • Responding to certain complaints regarding indoor smoking in Prince George’s County establishments as enforcement of the Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA) of 2007
    • The CIAA prohibits smoking in indoor places, including restaurants and bars, and most other businesses with indoor areas open to the public in Maryland.
  • Evaluating Burn Requests and issue Open Fire Permits. Open burn sites must meet specific criteria in order for applications to be approved
    • Open Fire Permit applications are now processed in Momentum
  • Investigating complaints pertaining to sources of air pollution, including smoke, fumes, dust, odors and industrial emissions
  • Reviewing Building Permit applications and Use and Occupancy Permit applications and Environmental Impact Statements to determine the existence of significant sources of air pollution,
  • Advising applicants on obtaining Maryland Department of the Environment construction and operating permits for air pollution sources
  • Participating in regional air quality planning activities